NI VISA Interface Clear Workaround
NI VIsa Interface Clear has a minor bug causing it to time out if no resources exist on the bus. Here is a method aimed at a work around as part of a class that inherits the NationalInstruments.VisaNS.GpibInterface.
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Return MyBase.LastStatus
Catch ex As NationalInstruments.VisaNS.VisaException When ex.ErrorCode = VisaStatusCode.ErrorTimeout
‘ trap timeout error. Apparently, VISA is trying to send commands to the devices
‘ even if none are present.
‘ un-time exception thrown:
‘ NationalInstruments.VisaNS.VisaException – Timeout expired before operation completed.
‘ VISA error code -1073807339 (0xBFFF0015), ErrorTimeout
Return VisaStatusCode.ErrorTimeout
End Try
End Function
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